Inspired by Kenya

Taking the Long View
24”x30” oil on canvas

Wildlife of the west

Coyote Walking_6x8.jpg

Landscapes I Have Walked

(click on each image to learn more about that painting)
24”x30” oil on canvas
Artist Statement for Down To Earth:
Much of my wildlife artwork addresses change. Whether it is the continuous, gradual change within myself as I travel this winding, multifaceted path in life, or the impacts of global warming and human actions on the wildlife and landscapes of this world, I am interested in representing my subject in an altered way: changing color, exaggerating lines, layering with blocky shapes, using transparent shapes and outlines, or overlapping paintings with the past versions showing through. Today is just a moment in the larger story of what was and what will be.
Through my oil on canvas paintings of the landscapes of the western United States where I live, and of places in the world where I have traveled, I seek to reflect the world beyond our daily lives and to open the viewer to a broader scope of life on Earth. My art has elements of abstraction, with colors and compositions that convey a general feeling of optimism, which reflect my belief that the beauty and hope in this world outweighs the despair and hate.
Next, view my What Lies Beyond Collection of space-related paintings or my Moments of Stillness Collection of still life paintings.